Take a look at these two x-ray images.
The first shows a joint of the average American senior experiencing discomfort, stiffness, and poor mobility.
The second is a joint of the average senior from the tiny, remote village of Yuzirihara in the mountains of Japan, who is experiencing no discomfort, no stiffness, and the flexible, mobile joints of a teenager.
Now look closer.
Can you see the difference?
The first x-ray – showing an average American senior’s joint – is pretty much bone-on-bone, right?
But the second x-ray – a joint of the average senior in Yuzirihara – shows a wide and healthy joint space.
But here’s the thing:
While this joint space may look empty, according to the latest Harvard research, it’s what’s inside this joint space that has allowed the villagers of Yuzirihara to become practically immune to joint decay, even into their 80s and 90s.
And no, I’m not talking about cartilage.
Which, thanks to one unusual food in their diet, their joint space is uniquely rich in.
The best part?
Scientists have dubbed this liquid ‘Joint Jelly’, and joint health researchers are now calling it:
“The guardian of your joints” and “key protective agent”.
Having healthy and plentiful Joint Jelly is the reason the knees and hips of these Yuziriharan seniors continue to bounce and glide in comfort, allowing them to squat, twist and bend for up to eight hours a day to farm their rice crops.
It’s why their backs, shoulders and elbows are able to flex and rotate with ease, so they can plow their fields without the help of modern machinery.
And it’s why their wrists and fingers enjoy the agility and grip strength of those decades younger, meaning they can continue to harvest their fruit, vegetables and herbs by hand.
More and more experts now agree that your Joint Jelly holds the key to youthful joint function as you age.
Well, for decades, doctors and the mainstream media have been telling you that age-related joint decay is caused by “wear and tear” of the cartilage, which results in cartilage loss, followed by bone-on-bone grinding and subsequent inflammation, discomfort and stiffness.
And while it is partially true that cartilage loss leads to joint discomfort, this breakthrough Harvard research reveals something surprising:
Instead, it’s caused by declining levels of your protective Joint Jelly over time.
And it’s this loss of Joint Jelly that has caused your cartilage to dehydrate, starve, and crumble away…
Leading to uncomfortable bone-on-bone grinding, inflammation, stiffness and swelling that makes it difficult to get in and out of a chair, climb stairs, or even open a pickle jar…
Making you feel old before your time and feeling like a prisoner trapped inside your own body.
In short, the continued loss of your protective Joint Jelly – which research shows began in your 30s – has robbed your cartilage of its natural protection, triggered rampant inflammation, and sent your joints into a death spiral.
In just a moment, I’m going to share a simple 10-second trick used every day by the seniors of Yuzirihara that replenishes their Joint Jelly and keeps their cartilage and joints lubricated, nourished and healthy long into old age.
This simple Joint Jelly trick has already helped thousands of U.S. seniors to reclaim the joint comfort of their twenties and thirties…
Return to their favorite activities and hobbies…
Spend real, quality time with their children and grandchildren…
Transform their relationship with their partner…
Regain their confidence and independence…
And get back to living their best lives, full of freedom and renewed hope for the future.
It has nothing to do with scary injections, weird-tasting foods or hyped-up supplements like glucosamine or chondroitin, which studies show do little more than drain your bank account.
And the best part is, you don’t need to travel to Yuzirihara, Japan, to experience its benefits!
In fact, you can start using this 10-second Joint Jelly trick from the comfort of your own home, starting today.
Just like these men and women who found this presentation before you, and are now enjoying phenomenal, and truly life-changing results for themselves.
And if you experience occasional discomfort in your joints after household chores or activities…
And conventional practices haven’t given you the results you’d hoped for…
Then I urge you to put any plans you have on hold for the next few minutes…
One simple habit that the villagers of Yuzirihara do every day that replenishes their Joint Jelly, so their cartilage tissue remains lubricated, nourished and healthy, and their joints comfortable, flexible and bouncy long into old age.
A simple ‘at-home trick’ you can use to replenish your own Joint Jelly – which has already transformed the joints and the lives of thousands of American seniors.
The shocking truth about glucosamine and chondroitin, and why you should never take these joint health ingredients ever again.
And how a recent Harvard study of 2,000 ancient skeletons helped show that the root factor in age-related joint decay may NOT be “wear and tear” after all.
Tell me…
When you wake in the morning, do you feel like the “Tin Man” from the Wizard of Oz, in need of a squirt of oil to loosen you up and get you moving?
Do you dread climbing stairs after working in the yard because your knees or hips have become so stiff and sore you can barely make it to the top?
Do you sometimes experience stiff wrists or fingers that make it difficult to hold a pen, send texts on your cell phone, or even twist doorknobs?
And do you ever feel robbed of the hobbies and activities that used to bring you joy – which now makes your world seem so much smaller?
Whatever your circumstances, I understand that things might seem hopeless right now.
You’ve been told by so-called experts for years that joint discomfort is simply caused by “wear and tear” – and there’s nothing you can do about it.
You may have tried an anti-inflammatory diet, hot and cold therapy, yoga, stretching, losing weight, and everything in between – but with little success.
And the reason none of these have worked for you is because according to new research, they don’t target the newly-discovered root factor in age-related joint decay that plagues most American seniors:
But this natural home-based solution works by helping to support and replenish your Joint Jelly…
And it can work for anyone… whether you’re male or female, 39 or 99.
Experiencing mild, moderate or severe discomfort.
And whether you want to support your knees, hips, ankles, back, neck, shoulders, elbows, wrists or fingers.
Even better, the results I’ve seen in my patients have been both fast, and long-lasting!
BIODYNAMIX® is not endorsed by, sponsored by, or affiliated with these organizations.
I’m an award-winning physician, medical consultant, and author.
I completed my medical school and postgraduate training at The University of Kansas School of Medicine.
In the years that followed I worked as a primary care and emergency physician at a rural hospital in Kentucky, where I also served as Chief of Staff.
I later served my country as a civilian physician for the U.S. Army at the Wounded Warrior Clinic at Fort Knox, Kentucky…
As a General Medical Officer at Fort Riley, Kansas…
And as the Lead Primary Care Physician for the U.S. Army’s RESPECT-Mil PTSD and Depression Screening Program at Walter Reed Army Medical Center.
Where I’m committed to investigating and sharing innovative joint health solutions that are found in nature and backed by real research.
You see, after decades treating both brave veterans and everyday citizens, I’ve seen first-hand what joint problems can do to people’s quality of life and mental health.
And I quickly came to realize that in the majority of cases, the traditional approaches aren’t the answer…
That they’re often little more than a Band Aid, and do nothing to address the actual issue at its root.
Which is why the current solutions just aren’t working.
And why, according to the CDC’s latest research, joint issues are on the rise.[1]
Well, my quest to find this out started when an old friend of mine came to see me for help.
Sarah is 67 years old, from Arizona…
And it’s safe to say that she was at rock-bottom when we met, breaking down in tears as she told me her story.
At first, Sarah said, the aching and stiffness came on slowly.
It began in her mid-40s, when she knelt down on the floor one day to change her grandson’s diaper.
As she tried to stand up, her knees felt stiff, and it took her a few seconds to straighten her legs.
Like most people, Sarah didn’t think much of it at first.
But as the months and years rolled by, her knees got worse any time she worked too long in the yard, or just overdid it a little bit…
Which made it harder to enjoy simple pleasures like tending to the flowers in her back yard or playing with her grandchildren.
By her early-50s, whenever she tried to kneel on the floor to play board games with her grandkids…
Her knees would crunch and grind like a sock full of broken glass.
But what really frightened Sarah was when the discomfort started to attack her wrists and fingers in her late-50s.
For over two decades, Sarah had been running her own home business baking wedding cakes.
But now she was struggling to grip the whisk, or hold heavy baking trays…
And her fingers and wrists would flare up when decorating cakes…
Which meant it now took much longer than normal and left her in agony.
Of course, Sarah’s doctor blamed “wear and tear”, and said it was to be expected in someone her age.
To help with the discomfort…
But despite these being among the most popular ingredients on the market, Sarah felt zero improvement.
That surprised me, because these ingredients have been around for years, and are supposed to be the building blocks of joint cartilage.
But I soon found that this was a case of old habits dying hard.
Countless studies now show that glucosamine and chondroitin are ineffective against age-related joint discomfort.
According to joint health expert Dr. Antonios Aliprantis, from the Harvard-affiliated Brigham and Women's Hospital…
Glucosamine and chondroitin have now been “debunked” as a means for supporting joint health.
While Dr. Robert Shmerling, associate professor of medicine at Harvard-affiliated Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, agreed, stating that “there’s been no convincing evidence” for their use.
In fact, in a 2-year study of 572 patients costing over $12 million…
Supplementing with glucosamine and chondroitin was found to produce no benefits in comfort levels, joint function, or slowing the age-related loss of cartilage when compared to a placebo! [2]
Which means your cartilage still isn’t receiving the lubrication, nourishment and support it needs to function, recover and survive.
Of course, to help her continue working, Sarah was given the same old, tired advice.
But with those traditional ‘Band Aid’ solutions failing to work, she was forced to quit baking and abandon her business, leaving her defeated and feeling worthless.
Her failing joints had robbed her of her business, her identity, and her independence.
And in doing so, had driven a wedge between Sarah and her husband Jack…
Because she could no longer bring in any money, or do as many chores around the house.
This led to feelings of resentment from Jack, and heated arguments about her not contributing enough, and that she was “exaggerating” the problem.
It’s safe to say that when I met up with Sarah that day, she was feeling as low it gets.
She was only 67 years old.
But to me she seemed 20 years older than that – and Sarah was the first to admit it.
Her business had crumbled, her marriage was on the rocks…
And she didn’t know how much longer she could go on living like this, feeling like a prisoner trapped inside her own failing body.
I’ve got to admit, I was shocked at the level of despair my old friend was in.
And as a physician, and someone in a position to help, I felt duty bound to do everything I could to get to the bottom of what was happening.
So I quickly set about my research.
She’d been a clerk for an insurance firm for 20 years before starting her wedding cake business.
She sat in an office chair.
And she’d never played sport in her life.
Yet the cartilage in her knees and hips had broken down badly.
Sure, if she’d been a runner, or a cyclist maybe… I might have had some time for that theory.
But with Sarah’s hips and knees causing her so much discomfort…
Still, everywhere I looked this theory was all I saw.
It states that age-related joint issues come about through the natural wearing away over time of the cartilage tissue between the joints.
This is then followed by inflammation within the joint tissue.
Now, decades of studies have shown beyond doubt that age-related joint decay does involve loss of cartilage tissue, and the inflammation that follows.
Something else was going on.
After all, by the logic of the “wear and tear” theory, Sarah’s knees and hips, at least, should have been as smooth, flexible, and bouncy as that of a teenager!
For more than a year, Dr. Ian Wallace of Harvard University travelled the country, analyzing the knee joints of thousands of ancient skeletons – some as old as 6,000 years.[3]
His theory – based on years of conventional wisdom – was that these hunter-gatherer skeletons would show significant signs of “wear and tear”.
After all, our ancient ancestors didn’t have cars or comfy couches.
They had to walk everywhere…
Chase wild animals for food…
And squat, twist, and bend much more than any of us do today.
But to Dr Wallace’s surprise, he discovered the exact opposite.
In fact, the vast majority of the skeletons had strong, healthy-appearing knee joints .
This didn’t make sense to Dr Wallace if simple “wear and tear” really was the root factor.
According to Harvard professor Daniel E. Lieberman, senior author of the study, these findings proved beyond doubt that while joint decay does become more common as we age, “it’s not caused by wear and tear”.
Other experts agreed.
“Your joints are not like your automobile tires that wear out as you use them,” commented Dr. Richard Loeser, a rheumatologist at the University of North Carolina.
That’s exactly what I wanted to find out.
So alongside my research team, I spent months trying to get to the bottom of this mystery.
Eventually I stumbled onto what I firmly believe to be the real reason.
A crucial, yet poorly understood molecule that has been figuratively “leaking” from your protective Joint Jelly since you hit your 30s…
I promise to reveal exactly what this molecule is, and what Joint Jelly is, in just a second.
As you know, a joint is where two or more bones meet, like your knee, for example.
On the end of each bone, you have a thin layer of rubber-like cartilage which stops those bones from grinding against each other when you move the joint, so you don’t feel discomfort.
And this is why, in my opinion, decades of conventional joint health advice has mistakenly focused on the cartilage.
Because between those pieces of cartilage lies something much more important:
Your joint cavity.
That’s not a great name for it – because it’s NOT empty.
It’s actually filled with something called synovial fluid.
As Dr. Antonios Aliprantis at Harvard-affiliated Brigham and Women's Hospital explains:
“Much of the research over the last 20 or 30 years has focused on cartilage as the target. But we're beginning to realize that there are important changes happening in the joint lining itself — the synovium.”
Here’s why…
First: your synovial fluid, or Joint Jelly, coats and lubricates your cartilage tissue, enabling each piece of cartilage to slide over the other comfortably when you move the joint…
Just like WD-40 works on door hinges.
And because this fluid is thick like Jelly, it acts like a shock absorber, or cushion, between the two pieces of cartilage…
Giving each joint a healthy ‘bouncy’ quality that makes movement comfortable.
Second: Because cartilage has no blood supply, it relies on your synovial fluid, or Joint Jelly, to keep it nourished and healthy by supplying it with precious oxygen and nutrients.
Third: your Joint Jelly serves as a protective bubble. Shielding your cartilage from inflammatory proteins, called cytokines, which would otherwise attack and break down cartilage tissue and bone.
Which causes this naturally thick fluid to thin and dry out, and lose its joint-protecting qualities.
Its main role is to absorb water so it can give your synovial fluid its thick, lubricating, Jelly-like quality.[5]
And it’s amazing at doing it.
In fact, each hyaluronan molecule can absorb up to 1,000 times its own weight in water! [6]
Hyaluronan is now deemed so important that world-leading joint health expert Dr. J.R. Levick of St George's Hospital Medical School at the University of London has dubbed it:
“The guardian of your joints”… and “their key protective agent”.[7]
This belief has now been supported by a recent study published in the esteemed Nutrition Journal, which found that people with age-related joint issues have, quote:
Simply put, as we age, an enzyme attacks the hyaluronan molecules in our synovial fluid, or “Joint Jelly”, gradually breaking them down. [9]
According to the latest research, we lose approximately one percent of our hyaluronan stores per year after the age of 30…[10]
Or up to 10 percent per decade.
That means if you’re 60, you may have already lost at least 30% of this precious molecule from your joints.
If you’re 80, you may have lost as much as 50%.
Worse still, studies show that environmental pollution accelerates hyaluronan breakdown.
Which is why people today are losing their Hyaluronan stores faster than ever.
And that’s bad news because:
Like I mentioned, without adequate hyaluronan, your Jelly-like synovial fluid begins to thin and dry out, bringing the two pieces of cartilage closer together.
This means each piece of cartilage starts to grind against the other.
With less lubrication and cushioning, your joints start to feel stiff, and it becomes more and more difficult to move freely – just like an old, creaky door hinge.
Second, as your Joint Jelly thins and dries out, its ability to carry vital oxygen and nutrients to the cartilage is severely impaired.
As a result, your cartilage is starved of what it needs to survive and function…
Which then leads to cell death and cartilage breakdown.
Another consequence of your Joint Jelly thinning and drying out is that it can no longer protect your joints from those nasty inflammatory cytokines.
Meaning those cytokines are now free to storm into the joint space and attack your cartilage further…
Which then leads to even more discomfort.
Of course, as the years pass – and more and more hyaluronan is lost…
Eventually leading to joints so stiff and swollen that you can barely move…
Coupled with agonizing grinding that makes life a misery.
So you see, the root factor in age-related joint decay isn’t overuse of your joints – so-called “wear-and-tear”.
And it’s not your fault.
Instead, it’s the gradual loss of Hyaluronan, the “guardian of your joints” and their “key protective agent”…
Which means your synovial fluid, or “Joint Jelly” thins and dries out over time, and can no longer provide the support to help lubricate, nourish, and protect your cartilage.
And if you carry on ignoring this, the discomfort you’re feeling right now will only continue…
Until you break this cycle of destruction.
And that’s what I’m going to help you do in just a second by showing you…
Because as you’ve seen, your joints need hyaluronan like your lungs need oxygen!
This simple solution – which is now being used by thousands of men and women all over the country with remarkable success – quickly gets to work to support and thicken up your synovial fluid and return it to its thick, bouncy, and Jelly-like state.
Refresh the cushioning between the two pieces of cartilage, and properly lubricate your brittle, dehydrated cartilage tissue…
So your joints can slide and bounce smoothly again, enabling you to move more freely.
And like I mentioned, thickening up your Joint Jelly also helps to…
Nourish your starving cartilage with the oxygen and nutrients it needs to promote optimum joint health, and at the same time…
Revive the protective bubble which studies show “blunts the inflammatory cascade”, because those cytokines are no longer able to freely enter the joint space… [11]
All of which helps to provide the support you need for greater joint comfort, flexibility, mobility, and a happier, more active life.
I’m thinking it’s your knees, hips, ankles, shoulders, spine, elbows, wrists, or fingers, right?
Guess what?
Those are all called “synovial joints.”
In other words, they rely on your synovial fluid, or Joint Jelly, to function properly.
Therefore, they can’t do their job without a healthy supply of hyaluronan…
“The guardian of your joints” and their “key protective agent.”
Because taking these ingredients to support your cartilage and ease your discomfort is like changing the tires and fixing the radiator on your car…
Yet not bothering to add any engine oil.
If your engine has no oil, nothing else you do will make a difference.
Your car will start to grind, seize up, and eventually refuse to move!
And I bet you know that exact feeling, right?
And that’s why you can’t be without it any longer.
After I discovered all this, I couldn’t help but wonder why those ancient skeletons I talked about earlier showed so few signs of typical modern-day joint decay?
And the answer is simple: most hunter-gatherers barely made it to age 30.
Which means they died long before their joints began to lose enough hyaluronan to cause a problem.
However today, most people comfortably make it into their 50s, which is when most joint issues often begin.
And of course, more and more people now live into their 70s, 80s, and 90s…
Which means they’ve been losing their hyaluronan stores for more than half their lives.
Added to that, environmental pollution is higher today than ever before, which further accelerates hyaluronan loss.
So you see, when I learned this…
Joint decay is due to cartilage breakdown and the inflammation that follows – just as you’ve probably been told.
But what I firmly believe to be the real, root factor in this problem is not ordinary wear and tear…
Instead, it’s rapidly depleting levels of hyaluronan – the “guardian of your joints” and “key protective agent”…
And until you’re able to support healthy levels, you don’t stand a chance of easing your discomfort and supporting healthy joint function.
So back to Sarah’s story…
I started with the quickest and easiest way I knew: food.
But this proved difficult. Despite some exhaustive research, I was unable to find any foods with sufficient levels of hyaluronan.
I felt like I’d come so far, only to hit a brick wall.
But then I got the stroke of luck I needed, which finally helped everything fall into place!
According to the report, these Japanese seniors were still farming their fields…
Ploughing their vegetable gardens…
And making full use of their joints long into old age.
Yet they had no joint issues at all!
They weren’t stiff… they weren’t aching.
I was desperate to know why…
A local vegetable that has been shown to boost the body’s natural production of hyaluronan and thicken up their Joint Jelly!
The good news was, I discovered these potatoes were now available in specialty markets right here in the U.S.
The bad news was the amount Sarah would have to eat.
We’re talking three or four of them every single day for many months before she’d feel any effect.
That obviously wasn’t practical.
I figured there had to be an easier way.
After scouring hundreds of medical journals, I found dozens of randomized, double-blind, and placebo-controlled trials – the gold-standard of clinical trials…
Had recently been carried out on hyaluronan, and oral supplementation.
Trials in America, Europe, and Asia, all suggested that oral supplementation of hyaluronan produced, and I quote:
This was hugely exciting, and confirmed everything I’d discovered.
But there was another problem.
It took a long time to work.
Typically, it was many, many months before the study participants reported the kind of noticeable improvements that made a real difference.
I knew that was too long for Sarah, and the millions of American seniors still living under the black cloud of joint discomfort.
The question facing me now was: was there a way to speed things up?
After being rigorously tested in 14 randomized, placebo-controlled and double-blind clinical trials – again, the gold standard of clinical trials…
In order words, a 1,000% increase.
And this is where things get really exciting.
In one of those trials, published in the medical journal Clinical Nutrition Supplements…
Supplementing with 80mg of Mobilee® each day for a period of 6 months was shown to produce significant improvements in joint comfort as early as month one…[13]
More importantly, those comfort levels continued to steadily increase for the entire 6 month study.
In other words…
Added to that, there was a significant reduction in swelling in month one…
Which again, continued to reduce as the six month trial went on.
These results were repeated in other published clinical studies…
Where supplementing with 80mg of Mobilee® each day resulted in not only dramatic improvements in joint comfort, but also physical function, flexion and extension…
As well as muscle aches, muscular strength, and quality of life. [14-17]
Which instead of targeting age-related joint decay with Band Aid solutions and outdated ingredients like glucosamine and chondroitin…
Actually winds back the clock to the very beginnings…
And helps target the origin of the issue: the loss of hyaluronan as you age…
Which causes your protective synovial fluid, or “Joint Jelly” to thin and dry out, leading to cartilage breakdown and inflammation of the joint.
With that in mind, the name for this unique and powerful formula was obvious.
So you can once again cushion and lubricate those stiff and dehydrated joints…
Properly nourish your cartilage tissue…
And soothe inflammation.
Allowing you to enjoy a new beginning…
And start living life with a spring in your step, and a smile on your face again!
Because although Mobilee® works wonders for your joints on its own…
I discovered that its joint-supporting power is strengthened hugely when you combine it with another rare and expensive ingredient.
And this is where Joint Genesis™ truly shines, and real, life-changing improvements can be felt.
In multiple studies, this super-antioxidant has been shown to be one of the world’s most powerful ingredients for soothing inflammation and reducing stiffness and swelling, while promoting joint comfort and improving physical function…[18-19]
And it does it rapidly!
Which is why…
The reason these two ingredients work so well together was outlined in a landmark 2018 study published in the medical journal Nutrients.[20]
In this study, the scientists found that the powerful antioxidants in French maritime pine bark are distributed directly into the synovial fluid, or Joint Jelly…
Which helps you to combat those cytokines and soothe inflammation even faster…
Meaning you can expect to enjoy greater relief, for longer!
And one more thing: please keep in mind that this combination of ingredients is completely unique.
In other words…
And that’s why Joint Genesis™ has been producing such remarkable results for our customers.
Because nothing like this has ever been done before!
To round off the formula and help ensure the strongest and fastest possible results, I also included three more powerful ingredients.
Each shown to soothe inflammation…
Like French maritime pine bark, ginger is a potent antioxidant and decades of studies support its efficacy in promoting a healthy inflammatory response in the joint tissue.
A study published in the Journal of Medicinal Food found that a ginger extract was effective in reducing knee pain in patients with age-related joint issues.
In doing so, ginger helps to boost the effectiveness of Joint Genesis™ and promote greater joint comfort, flexibility and mobility.
Another ingredient that helps to further strengthen the results delivered by Mobilee® and French maritime pine bark is Boswellia Serrata, a tree that originates in India.
The extract derived from the gum resin of the bark of the Boswellia tree has been proven in countless studies to promote a healthy inflammatory response in the joint tissue, helping to support joint comfort and joint function.
Added to that, a study in the medical journal Phytomedicine investigated the effects of a combination of French maritime pine bark and Boswellia serrata on patients with age-related joint pain. The results showed that the combination significantly improved joint pain, stiffness, and physical function.
Finally, Joint Genesis™ includes BioPerine®, another cutting-edge and patented extract obtained from black pepper fruits. As well as promoting a healthy inflammatory response, BioPerine® helps to enhance the absorption of the other ingredients, maximizing the effectiveness of the formula.
As a result, this unique and powerful blend of ingredients includes everything you need to help soothe your ailing joints…
Enjoy smooth, comfortable movement…
And delight in the renewed flexibility of your youth!
To top it off, all the ingredients in Joint Genesis™ are naturally-derived and research-backed, so you can take it as needed on a long-term basis.
To bounce out of bed each morning and sprint down the stairs without feeling an agonizing jolt with every step…
Because your knees and hips are properly cushioned and lubricated.
Imagine grabbing a shirt or pants, and buttoning them up with the supple wrists and flexible fingers of a 20-year-old…
To comfortably sit “Indian-style” on the floor with your grandkids while you happily play board games with them…
Or kneel down on the ground to tend to the roses without fearing that you might get stuck down there, frozen in agony…
First: with your friends and loved ones, because you’re no longer in discomfort or being looked upon as old and fragile.
And second, with yourself: because you can finally enjoy your freedom and independence, and live life on your terms.
Just like so many of our happy customers are doing right now.
In fact, when we first shared Joint Genesis™ with the BIODYNAMIX® family, we were confident that it was about to change lives.
And it hasn’t disappointed!
And you should be.
Because this opportunity might not stick around.
Remember, Mobilee® is an expensive and patented ingredient that’s in extremely high demand and difficult to source due to its unique ability to multiply hyaluronan levels in the joints by a whopping 1,000%.
Not to mention the fact that we ship it all the way to our U.S. headquarters from Barcelona, Spain.
And then there’s the other four essential ingredients in the formula, including French maritime pine bark which works in tandem with Mobilee® to soothe your discomfort even faster, and give you even stronger results...
But, like Mobilee®, can also be challenging to source because it’s found only on the coast of southwest France.
Of course, we bought bulk quantities of these ingredients for this latest batch of Joint Genesis™.
But to tell you the truth, the flood of orders that came in truly blindsided us.
For these reasons and more, I encourage you take advantage of this opportunity while it’s still available, so you don’t miss out this potentially life-changing transformation in your joint health, and quality of life.
Well, let me ask you this:
How much is fast and long-term joint comfort really worth to you?
How much value do you put on waking up in the morning with smooth, flexible and mobile joints, where you can skip through your day in complete comfort?
Can you really put a price tag on youthful joints and the freedom, independence and opportunity that comes with it?
To be able to return to the hobbies and activities that used to bring you so much joy, before joint discomfort stole them from you.
To put the spark back into your relationship because you’re no longer in agony.
And look to the future with hope, excitement, and thoughts of what you can do, instead of what you can’t…
Whatever figure you have in mind, you know as well as I do that taking action today and investing in yourself and your long-term joint health will be one of the best investments you could ever make.
By doing nothing on the other hand, you’ll inevitably be forced to spend hundreds, and possibly even thousands of dollars over the next few years on ‘Band Aid’ solutions that don’t address the issue at its root.
Which means they simply won’t give you the results you need – because they can’t stop the draining away of hyaluronan – the “guardian of your joints” and their “key protective agent”.
And they can’t combat the thinning and drying out of your synovial fluid, or Joint Jelly.
But let's put the future aside for a moment, and just focus on the immediate costs.
Well, as you’ve probably guessed by now, it doesn’t come cheap.
Joint Genesis™ is a unique and cutting-edge formula born from breakthrough scientific research.
As you’ve seen, the ingredients are in huge demand and difficult to source, and because we refuse to compromise on the quality, purity and potency of the formula, we can only manufacture a limited number of bottles at a time.
This means demand for Joint Genesis is off the scale right now.
So it’s important to tell you that we’ve set an initial price per bottle at just under $700.
And even then, you’re still getting an absolute bargain because of what this formula can do for you, and do it fast.
Thanks to today’s new-customer special offer, one bottle of Joint Genesis™ won’t set you back $700.
In fact, you won't even have to pay that amount for SIX bottles!
That’s right. A six-month supply of Joint Genesis won't cost you $700 today.
Or even $500.
It won’t even cost you $300.
Take a look below – I think you'll be pleasantly surprised – maybe even shocked at the extremely generous discounts we've arranged for you today.
6-Month Supply + 2 FREE Bonuses
+FREE USA Shipping
180-Days Guarantee
1-Month Supply
+$9.95 USA Shipping
180-Days Guarantee
3-Month Supply + 2 FREE Bonuses
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180-Days Guarantee
I often get asked why we don’t charge more.
It’s a good question.
Well, as you’ve probably realized, my motivation throughout this journey was never financial.
My goal was always to help my friend Sarah get back to her best life, and now I want to help you do that too.
I want you be able to move comfortably and freely…
To feel happy and confident in your own body again…
And to be the best mother, father, wife, husband, grandmother or grandfather you can be.
Because that’s what really matters in life.
So I’m determined to offer the lowest possible prices right now to ensure that you, and anyone else who needs help, gets that opportunity. Particularly during this early phase while we’re introducing ourselves to customers.
And of course, I'd much rather see you keep as much of your hard-earned money as possible, rather than hand it over to the pharmaceutical giants for the rest of your life.
Another reason we're offering the lowest possible prices right now is because we’d also like to gather positive reviews and see our excited customers share their results on social media.
This will enable us to spread the word even more, and help more people.
Due to the cutting-edge nature of this formula, and its unique ability to target the root factor behind age-related joint decay, Joint Genesis is already producing remarkable results for our customers, and this offer is now being shared all over the internet…
Which means this latest batch of Joint Genesis is running low, and we can’t be sure when another batch will become available.
As I’ve explained, ingredient availability is always a problem.
Even at the best of times, our manufacturing facility takes two to three months to source and produce a single batch of Joint Genesis.
So I recommend you order your supply now while you can and take advantage of these special introductory prices before this offer disappears, and in particular, our heavily discounted 3 and 6 month options.
First, because you’ll save more money.
But more importantly, stocking up on a larger supply of Joint Genesis will ensure you achieve real, long-lasting results. And that’s what we want.
Remember, in that clinical study published in the medical journal Clinical Nutrition Supplements…, the participants took 80mg of Mobilee® every day for 6 months, and the relief they felt not only happened fast, but kept on improving month after month, for the entire six month trial.
And the exact same thing happened in the other trials of Mobilee® too.
As well as French Maritime Pine Bark, where countless studies have shown that continuous use results in sustained improvements in joint comfort and joint function.
So it’s clear to see…
And that’s why most new customers are selecting the heavily discounted 6 bottle option.
In short, while a 30-day starter supply will return crucial hyaluronan molecules to your synovial fluid and get you on the path to healthier joint function…
A 90-day supply will provide the support you need to really thicken up that fluid, increase its lubricating and cushioning quality…
And of course, nourish the cartilage and soothe inflammation, so you can enjoy smoother, more flexible movement.
And finally, a 180-day supply will help your synovial fluid return to its thick, bouncy and fully protective Jelly-like state, so your joints can function properly for years to come…
Allowing you to enjoy a full and active life again.
That’s why I personally recommend that you stock up now while you can so you can enjoy great results for the long term.
And I really can’t stress that enough.
Because stocking up today isn’t just going to be great news for your joint health; it’s going to save you heaps of money in the long term.
And with Joint Genesis proving so popular, these discounts could be removed at any moment.
After all, unlike many other companies, we refuse to cut corners or compromise on the Joint Genesis formula.
We only use the finest quality, clinically-backed ingredients, and despite the costs, we’re committed to sparing no expense on the manufacturing process either.
Joint Genesis is meticulously produced following current Good Manufacturing Practices (cGMP) in our state-of-the-art, climate-controlled, and FDA-inspected facility, right here in the USA!
This guarantees the strictest standards in terms of quality control to ensure only the purest ingredients in the exact dosages listed on the bottle, and a formula for all that’s free from gluten, dairy, nuts, soy, egg, crustaceans, and of course, nasty BPAs, and GMOs.
It’s an expensive process with many steps, but here at BIODYNAMIX®, we won’t settle for second best.
Then you need to factor in our customer service team ready to help you with your orders, and the fact that we're currently offering free shipping.
Yep, you heard that right.
For a strictly limited period, we're absorbing the shipping costs to the U.S. when you order the larger 6-month package.
And that’s another reason why I recommend selecting that package today – because this free shipping offer won’t last long. We simply can’t afford to keep it running!
So choose your savings below, and we'll rush your order to you right away.
And here’s something else you’re going to love:
I understand that you might still be on the fence, even after you’ve seen the huge, limited-time discounts we’re offering.
So I’m going to take all the risk off your shoulders, and put it on my own.
Whether you decide to save money on one bottle, three bottles, or six bottles of Joint Genesis™, I’m going to give you a whole 6 months to enjoy the results for yourself and THEN decide.
That’s right. I’m so confident that you’ll be head-over-heels thrilled with the results you get, that I’m giving you a full 6 months to try it for yourself, completely risk-free!
If you change your mind for any reason, simply contact our friendly customer support team via phone or email and they will refund 100% of the purchase price, no questions asked. Our contact details will be on the packaging.
Even better, we’ll refund your money even if you’ve used up every last capsule!
So one way of looking at it is that it’s not a payment at all. It’s more like a refundable deposit.
You’re welcome to take advantage of our “empty bottle” money-back guarantee and claim a refund at any time over the next 6 months.
But based on emails I receive nearly every day from overjoyed customers, I think it’s much more likely you’ll want to send me an email sharing your incredible results!
Also, let me assure you that this is a one-time payment. There are no subscriptions or hidden charges. And you don’t need to worry about the ordering process either.
When you select your savings, you’ll be sent through to our secure ordering page, which uses 256-bit encryption technology, the same technology used by Amazon and the world’s biggest banks. So you can be completely confident that your information is 100% safe and secure.
Added to that, it’s important to note that every bottle of Joint Genesis has a two-year shelf life. So together with our 6-month “empty bottle” money back guarantee…
So go ahead and select your savings from the options below, completely risk-free for a whole 6 months, regardless of the package you choose.
6-Month Supply + 2 FREE Bonuses
+FREE USA Shipping
180-Days Guarantee
1-Month Supply
+$9.95 USA Shipping
180-Days Guarantee
3-Month Supply + 2 FREE Bonuses
+9.95 USA Shipping
180-Days Guarantee
Now, at this point I imagine you’re ready to jump on this opportunity, claim your savings before this batch of Joint Genesis runs out, and make the smartest decision you can make today.
But before you do, I’m going to make this deal even sweeter for you!
Get 2 FREE bonuses worth $59.90
when you order a 3 or 6 Month SupplyTo help accelerate your results we will send you our brand-new eBook consisting of 17 joint-supporting smoothie recipes when you order a 3 or 6 month supply of Joint Genesis™ . They take just a few minutes to prepare and taste great, making them a great option for a quick breakfast or afternoon snack! Let's be clear: drinking these smoothies isn't something you have to do. But if you'd like to accelerate the transformation in your joint health, this is the easiest way to do it. You can even take Joint Genesis™ with one of these smoothies each morning!
To help turbocharge the results you see and feel from Joint Genesis™ we will also send you Youthful Joints for Life when you order a 3 or 6 month supply. This step-by-step guide provides a proven path to healthy joint function whatever your age via simple, yet powerful habits you can adopt from the comfort of your own home. When you combine Joint Genesis™ with Youthful Joints for Life you will have everything you need to start enjoying healthy, supple and flexible joints.
The first option is to ignore everything you’ve just seen…
All the science and rock-solid data that shows you exactly why Joint Genesis™ works so well…
And how it’s improving the lives of so many people all over the country.
You can continue to waste money on useless Band Aid solutions and outdated joint formulas that don’t work – and never did…
And you can accept the inevitable: that your dehydrated, starving cartilage continues to crumble…
Leading to worsening inflammation, discomfort, and more and more limitations being placed on your life.
Sure, you can bury your head in the sand and pretend that none of this will happen.
But as you already know…
Every day that passes, your synovial fluid, or Joint Jelly, is losing more and more of the very thing that makes it function…
Like a leaking boiler that never gets fixed.
Its ability to do its job and protect your joints is disappearing fast.
And because of the toxic world in which we now live, this loss is accelerating like never before.
And suffer the inevitable problems that follow…
Where the world you live in starts to become smaller with every passing week…
Where you lose contact with friends and family because making the journey is just too difficult…
And you become a burden to your loved ones, always in need of help, and viewed as old, weak, and fragile?
I don’t want you to feel like that.
And I know it’s not what you want either.
The smart option.
The opportunity to finally break free…
With a truly unique and powerful formula backed by science that promises to promote healthy joint function for the long term.
And remember, you have the chance to try it yourself completely risk-free for 6 whole months.
If you decide to take up option two – and I hope you do, for your sake…
Then one day very soon from now, you could find yourself waking up in the morning having slept like a baby, because your joints are no longer keeping you up at night…
You’ll swing your legs out of bed and find that you can rotate your hips with ease…
You’ll notice you can bend your knees comfortably and tend to the flowers in your back yard, and then snap back up again with barely a twinge…
While your fingers tap out messages on your cell phone with the speed and agility of a teenager…
Life is going to be different now.
And you’ll be filled with excitement and possibilities for the future.
I have a term for that exact day.
It sounds corny, I know…
But that’s the day when you realize that the oppressive force that’s been holding you back…
Dominating your every waking moment, and preventing you from being free…
Has finally been defeated.
I call it Independence Day because that’s what Sarah called it.
Remember Sarah?
After trying Joint Genesis™ herself, she called me up and told me all about her own personal Independence Day.
And she burst into tears over the phone.
However, unlike the last time we spoke, they weren’t tears of sadness brought on by years of agony and frustration.
Tears of relief, and of new-found hope for the future.
Her fingers weren’t locked tightly together anymore…
Meaning she could return to her passion of baking and decorating wedding cakes.
And she ran up the stairs, bouncing off each step like a coiled spring…
All because her knees and hips were lubricated, cushioned and nourished.
That day marked a new beginning for Sarah.
And you can have that day too…
That feeling of independence and freedom.
To reach that place where you’re finally free from the aching, stiffness, and swelling that often hits you after you’ve “done too much”.
Imagine what you’d do…
How you’d celebrate…
Now hold on to that feeling.
Because that’s the kind of future Joint Genesis™ can deliver.
Thousands of Americans are now experiencing those joyous feelings for themselves, and embarking on a new beginning.
This is your chance to join them.
To join the BIODYNAMIX® family, and transform your joint health, and your future.
So make the right decision.
Make the only decision you can make, both for yourself and your family.
Select your savings, hit the button below, and put Joint Genesis™ to the test completely risk-free for a full 6 months.
Thank you for reading, and I look forward to hearing your success story very soon!
Dr. Mark Weis
Medical Research Director, BIODYNAMIX®
6-Month Supply + 2 FREE Bonuses
+FREE USA Shipping
180-Days Guarantee
1-Month Supply
+$9.95 USA Shipping
180-Days Guarantee
3-Month Supply + 2 FREE Bonuses
+9.95 USA Shipping
180-Days Guarantee
If you’re still here, that tells me two things:
1. You understand how crucial proper joint function is to your health and happiness, and…
2. You still have a few questions.
It’s perfectly fine to have questions. I’m glad you do.
So let me answer them so you can feel comfortable trying out Joint Genesis™ for yourself.
Here are the answers to a few of the most common questions we receive about Joint Genesis™.
Ok, while your joint discomfort may be slightly different to that of others, one factor is likely the same:
The loss of Hyaluronan molecules from your synovial fluid, or “Joint Jelly”, as you age.
This loss of Hyaluronan thins and dries out your synovial fluid, meaning your cartilage loses its natural cushioning, becomes dehydrated, and is starved of vital oxygen and nutrients…
Which results in cell death, and cartilage breakdown…
Followed by inflammation of the joint.
The key ingredient in Joint Genesis™ – Mobilee® – works by replenishing your synovial fluid with hyaluronan.
Mobilee’s® hyaluronan is 10 times more effective than standard hyaluronan used in previously successful clinical studies.
This helps to quickly lubricate and cushion the joint, nourish the cartilage tissue, and soothe inflammation.
In studies, 80mg of Mobilee® resulted in a clinically-documented reduction in joint discomfort and swelling, which kept improving each and every month for the entire six month trial.
As well as “significant” improvements in physical function, flexion and extension…
Muscle aches, muscular strength, and quality of life.
Crucially, Joint Genesis™ also includes French maritime pine bark.
This super-antioxidant is one of the world’s most powerful active ingredients for supporting a healthy inflammatory response.
And has been shown in multiple studies to soothe inflammation and joint discomfort, combat stiffness and swelling, and support improved joint function.
What’s more, French maritime pine bark works perfectly in tandem with Mobilee® because the antioxidants have been shown to distribute directly into your synovial fluid, or Joint Jelly, giving you stronger results.
Most other joint supplements don’t contain hyaluronan—and they certainly won’t have it in its patented form: Mobilee®…
Which means they never get to the root of the problem.
Neither do they contain the unique combination of Mobilee® and French maritime pine bark, which helps to further support relief and promote healthy joint function.
Absolutely! We’re so confident in our product that BIODYNAMIX® offers one of the most generous guarantees in the industry.
Regardless of the package you choose today, you are protected by our 6-month money-back “empty bottle” guarantee.
This means that if for any reason you don’t experience life-changing results or you simply change your mind for any reason at all, we will issue you a 100% no-questions asked refund.
Plus, we’ll refund every penny even if all the bottles are all empty!
To help you stock up and save more money, we’ve created a special bundle plan consisting of 3 and 6 month packages to go alongside the one month starter option.
This is because countless clinical studies of our key ingredients Mobilee® and French maritime pine bark – together with the experiences of our customers – show the longer you take Joint Genesis™, the more effective it becomes.
That’s why I personally recommend that you stock up on the 3 or 6 month option while this special offer is running.
This will help ensure there’s no break in your progress, so you can enjoy the best possible long-term results.
And don’t forget that Joint Genesis™’s two-year shelf life means there’s no risk in stocking up.
Your order will be shipped out right away and will arrive at your door within 5-7 business days (for U.S. locations).
Orders placed outside the U.S. may take up to two weeks to arrive.
Take one capsule per day with water, preferably in the morning. Each bottle comes with enough capsules for a 30-day supply.
Yes, you can!
We wanted to ensure as many people as possible would be able to enjoy the benefits of Joint Genesis™, so our formula is free from gluten, dairy, nuts, soy, egg, and crustaceans.
It’s also free of GMOs, BPAs, and is “guaranteed pure”.
This is because Joint Genesis™ is is produced following current Good Manufacturing Practice (cGMP) standards in our state-of-the-art, FDA-inspected facility right here in the USA, which ensures the purest product, free from any potential contaminants.
This is a one-off purchase of Joint Genesis™. You will not be billed again, nor entered into any kind of auto-ship program.
BIODYNAMIX® is not endorsed by, sponsored by, or affiliated with any of these organizations.